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Analysis Control Data

Analysis Control Data

Outline of Analysis Control Data

In FrontISTR, an analysis control data file is input to acquire the computing control data, solver control data and post process (visualization) control data as shown in the following figure, in order to implement the analytical calculations.

Analysis Control Data

The features of the analysis control data file are as follows.

  • This is an ASCII format file based on a free format.
  • This file consists of a header which starts with "!" and the data following this.
  • The order of description of the header is basically free.
  • A "," is used as a punctuation mark of the data.
  • The inside of the file is briefly divided into three zones.
  • "!END" is input at the end of the file for completion.

Example of Analysis Control Data

##### (1) Computing control data portion ####################
### Control File for HEAT solver
 XMIN, 0.0
 XMAX, 500.0

##### (2) Solver control data portion #######################
### Solver Control
100, 1

##### (3) Post control (visualization) data portion #########
### Post Control
!VISUAL, method=PSR
!surface_num = 1
!surface 1
!surface_style = 1
!display_method 1
!color_comp_name = TEMPERATURE
!color_subcomp = 1
!output_type = BMP
!x_resolution = 500
!y_resolution = 500
!num_of_lights = 1
!position_of_lights =
-20.0, 5.8, 80.0
!viewpoint = -20.0 10.0 8.0
!up_direction = 0.0 0.0 1.0
!ambient_coef= 0.3
!diffuse_coef= 0.7
!specular_coef= 0.5
!color_mapping_style= 1
!!interval_mapping= -0.01, 0.02
!color_mapping_bar_on = 1
!scale_marking_on = 1
!num_of_scale = 5
!font_size = 1.5
!font_color = 1.0 1.0 1.0

Input Rules

The analysis control data consists of a header line, data line and a comment line.

One header is always included in the header line.

The header specifies the meaning of the data and the data block in the analysis control data. When the head of the term starts with a "!", it is considered to be a header.
Header Line
The header and the parameter accompanying this are described in this line.
The header line must start with a header. When a parameter is required, a "," must be used to continue after that. When the parameter takes on a value, use an "=" after the parameter and describe the value after that.
The header line can not be described in more than two lines.
Data Line
The data line starts after the header line, and the necessary data is described.
The data lines may be in multiple lines; however, this is determined according to the rules of the data description defined by each header.
There are cases where data lines are not required.
A comma "," is used as a punctuation of the data.
Handling of Blanks
Blanks are disregarded.
Regarding the characters which can be used for the name, there is the underscore "_", hyphen "-", and alphanumeric characters "a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9"; however, the first letter of the name must start with "_", or an alphabetic character "a - z, A - Z". There is no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters, and all letters are internally handled as uppercase letters.
The maximum length of the name is 63 characters.
File Name
Regarding the characters which can be used for the file name, there are the underscore "_", hyphen "-", period ".", slash "/", and the alphanumeric characters "a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9".
As long as there is no specific description, a path can be included in the file name. Both the relative path and the absolute path can be specified.
The maximum length of the file name is 1,023 characters.
Floating Point Data
Exponents are optional. An "E" or "e" character must be added before the exponent. The selection of "E" or "e" is optional.
!!, #, Comment Line
Lines starting with "!!" or "#" are considered to be comment lines, and are disregarded. A comment line can be inserted in any position in the file, and there are no restrictions on the number of lines.
End of mesh data
When this header is displayed, the reading of the mesh data is completed.

Analysis Control Data

Header List of Computing Control Data

In FrontISTR, the following items can be mentioned as the boundary conditions which can be used for the computing control data.

  • Distributed load conditions (body force, pressure loading, gravity, centrifugal force)
  • Concentrated load conditions
  • Heat load
  • Single point restriction conditions (SPC conditions)
  • Spring boundary conditions
  • Contact
  • Concentrated heat flux
  • Distributed heat flux
  • Convective heat transfer boundary
  • Radiant heat transfer boundary
  • Specified temperature boundary

The same as the mesh data, the !HEADER format is used as the definition method of the above boundary conditions.

The header list of the common control data is shown in the following Table 7.3.1, and the header list for each analysis type is shown in Table 7.3.2.

Table 7.3.1: Control Data Common to All Analysis

Header Meaning Remarks Description No.
!VERSION Solver version number 1-1
!SOLUTION Specification of analysis type Mandatory 1-2
!WRITE,VISUAL Specification of visualization output 1-3
!WRITE,RESULT Specification of results output 1-4
!WRITE,LOG Specification of results output 1-5
!OUTPUT_VIS Control of visualization output items 1-6
!OUTPUT_RES Control of results output items 1-7
!RESTART Control of restarting 1-8
!ECHO Echo output 1-9
!ORIENTATION Definition of local coordinate system 1-10
!SECTION Definition of local coordinate system the sction correspondent to 1-11
!INITIAL_CONDITION Definition of initial condition 1-12
!END Ending specification of control data 1-13

Table 7.3.2: Control Data for Static Analysis

Header Meaning Remarks Description No.
!STATIC Static analysis control 2-1
!MATERIAL Material name 2-2
!ELASTIC Elastic material physical properties 2-2-1
!PLASTIC Plastic material physical properties 2-2-2
!HYPERELASTIC Hyperelastic material physical properties 2-2-3
!VISCOELASTIC Viscoelastic material physical properties 2-2-4
!CREEP Creep material physical properties 2-2-5
!DENSITY Mass density 2-2-6
!EXPANSION_COEFF Coefficient of linear expansion 2-2-7
!TRS Tempearture dependent behaviour of viscoelastic material 2-2-8
!FLUID Flow Condition 2-2-9
!USER_MATERIAL User defined material 2-2-10
!BOUNDARY Displacement boundary conditions 2-3
!SPRING Spring boundary conditions 2-3-1
!CLOAD Concentrated load 2-4
!DLOAD Distributed load 2-5
!ULOAD User defined external load 2-6
!CONTACT_ALGO Contact analytic algorithm 2-7
!CONTACT Contact 2-8
!TEMPERATURE Nodal temperature in thermal stress analysis 2-9
!REFTEMP Reference temperature in thermal stress analysis 2-10
!STEP Analysis step control 2-11
!AUTOINC_PARAM Auto increment control 2-12
!TIME_POINTS Output time point control 2-13
!CONTACT_PARAM Contact scan control 2-14

Table 7.3.3: Control Data for Eigenvalue Analysis

Header Meaning Remarks Description No.
!EIGEN Eigenvalue analysis control Mandatory in eigenvalue analysis 3-1

Table 7.3.4: Control Data for Heat Conduction Analysis

Header Meaning Remarks Description No.
!HEAT Heat conduction analysis control Mandatory in heat conduction analysis 4-1
!FIXTEMP Nodal temperature 4-2
!CFLUX Concentrated heat flux given to node 4-3
!DFLUX Distributed heat flux / internal heat generation given to element surface 4-4
!SFLUX Distributed heat flux by surface group 4-5
!FILM Heat transfer coefficient given to boundary plain 4-6
!SFILM Heat transfer coefficient by surface group 4-7
!RADIATE Radiation factor given to boundary plane 4-8
!SRADIATE Radiation factor by surface group 4-9
!WELD_LINE Weld line 4-10

Table 7.3.5: Control Data for Dynamic Analysis

Header Meaning Remarks Description No.
!DYNAMIC Dynamic analysis control Mandatory in dynamic analysis 5-1
!VELOCITY Velocity boundary conditions 5-2
!ACCELERATION Acceleration boundary conditions 5-3
!COUPLE Coupled surface definition Required in coupled analysis 5-4
!EIGENREAD Specification of eigenvalues and eigenvectors Mandatory in frequency response analysis 5-5
!FLOAD Definition of concentrated load for frequency response analysis 5-6

In each header, there are data items which comply with the parameter and each header.

Each of the above headers is described in the following with examples of data creation for each analysis type. The description number in the above Table is the number indicated on the right end of the example of the data creation.

(1) Control data common to all analyses

Example of Analysis Control Data
### Control File for FISTR
!VERSION                                        1-1
!SOLUTION, TYPE=STATIC                          1-2
!WRITE, VISUAL                                  1-3
!WRITE, RESULT                                  1-4
!ECHO                                           1-9
!BOUNDARY                                       2-3
  FIX, 1, 3, 0.0
!CLOAD                                          2-4
  CL1, 3, -1.0
!END                                            1-12
Description of Header

Refer to the solver version.


TYPE=analysis type


Output of data by visualizer via memory

Outputs the file just by entering


Output of analysis results file

Outputs the file just by entering

1-6 !ECHO

Output of node data, element data and material data to log file

Outputs to the file just by entering

1-8 !END

Indicates the end of control data

(2) Static analysis control data

Example of Static Analysis Control data
### Control File for FISTR
!SOLUTION, TYPE=STATIC                          1-2
!WRITE, VISUAL                                  1-3
!WRITE, RESULT                                  1-4
!ECHO                                           1-9
!MATERIAL, NAME=M1                              2-2
!ELASTIC, TYPE=ISOTROPIC                        2-2-1
  210000.0, 0.3
!BOUNDARY                                       2-3
  FIX, 1, 3, 0.0
!SPRING 2-3-1
  200, 1, 0.03
!CLOAD 2-4
  CL1, 3, -1.0
!DLOAD 2-5
  1, P1, 1.0
!TEMPERATURE                                    2-9
  1, 10.0
!REFTEMP                                        2-10
!STEP, CONVERG=1.E-5, MAXITER=30                2-11
!END                                            1-12
Description of Header
  • Red figures are the values indicated in the example.
  • Alphabetic characters in the 2nd line of the table express the parameter name.

Setting of static analysis method


Definition of material physical properties

NAME = name of material physical properties


Definition of elastic substance

TYPE = elastic type

Young's Modulus Poisson's Ratio
210000.0 0.3

Definition of displacement boundary conditions

Node ID or Node Group Name Start No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom End No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom Restricted Value
FIX, 1, 3, 0.0
2-3-1 !SPRING

Definition of spring boundary conditions

Node ID or Node Group Name Restricted Degree of Freedom Spring Constant
NODE_ID DOF_id Value
200, 1, 0.03
2-4 !CLOAD

Definition of concentrated load

Node ID or Node Group Name Degree of Freedom No. Load Value
NODE_ID DOF_id Value
CL1, 3, -1.0
2-5 !DLOAD

Definition of distributed load

Element ID or Element Group Name Load Type No. Load Parameter
ELEMENT_ID LOAD_type param
1, P1, 1.0

Specification of nodal temperature used for thermal stress analysis

Node ID or Node Group Name Temperature
NODE_ID Temp_Value
1, 10

Definition of reference temperature in thermal stress analysis

2-11 !STEP

Control of nonlinear static analysis (Omissible in the case of linear analysis)

Convergence Value Judgment Threshold No. of Sub Steps (When AMP exists, AMP has priority) Max No. of Iterative Calculations Time Function Name (Specified in !AMPLITUDE)
1.0E-05 10 30

(3) Eigenvalue analysis control data

Example of Eigenvalue Analysis Control Data
### Control File for FISTR
!SOLUTION, TYPE=EIGEN                           1-2
!WRITE, VISUAL                                  1-3
!WRITE, RESULT                                  1-4
!ECHO                                           1-9
!EIGEN                                          3-1
  3, 1.0E-8, 60
!BOUNDARY                                       2-3
 FIX, 1, 2, 0.0
Description of Header

Red figures are the values indicated in the example.

3-1 !EIGEN

Parameter settings of eigenvalue analysis

No. of Eigenvalue Allowance Max No. of Iterations
3, 1.0E-8, 60
2-3 !BOUNDARY (Same items an in Static Analysis)

Definition of displacement boundary conditions

Node ID or Node Group Name Start No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom End No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom Restricted Value
FIX, 1, 3, 0.0

(4) Heat conduction analysis control data

Example of Heat Conduction Analysis Control Data
### Control File for FISTR
!SOLUTION, TYPE=HEAT                            1-2
!WRITE, VISUAL                                  1-3
!WRITE, RESULT                                  1-4
!ECHO                                           1-9
!HEAT                                           4-1
!FIXTEMP                                        4-2
  XMIN, 0.0
  XMAX, 500.0
!CFLUX                                          4-3
  ALL, 1.0E-3
!DFLUX                                          4-4
  ALL, S1, 1.0
!SFLUX                                          4-5
  SURF, 1.0
!FILM                                           4-6
  FSURF, F1, 1.0, 800
!SFILM                                          4-7
  SFSURF, 1.0, 800.0
!RADIATE                                        4-8
  RSURF, R1, 1.0E-9, 800.0
!SRADIATE                                       4-9
  RSURF, R1, 1.0E-9, 800.0
!END                                            1-12
Description of Header

Red figures are the values indicated in the example.

4-1 !HEAT

Definition of control data for calculation

  (No data)                         ----- Steady calculation
  0.0                               ----- Steady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0                      ----- Fixed time increment unsteady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0, 1.0                 ----- Automatic time increment unsteady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0, 1.0, 20.0           ----- Automatic time increment unsteady calculation

Node group name, or node ID and fixed temperature

4-3 !CFLUX

Definition of concentrated heat flux given to node

Node Group Name or Node ID Heat Flux Value
ALL, 1.0E-3
4-4 !DFLUX

Definition of distributed heat flux and internal heat generation given to surface of element

Element Group Name or Element ID Load Type No. Heat Flux Value
ALL, S1, 1.0

Load Parameter

Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
BF Element Overall Calorific value
S1 Surface No. 1 Heat flux value
S2 Surface No. 2 Heat flux value
S3 Surface No. 3 Heat flux value
S4 Surface No. 4 Heat flux value
S5 Surface No. 5 Heat flux value
S6 Surface No. 6 Heat flux value
S0 Shell surface Heat flux value
4-5 !SFLUX

Definition of distributed heat flux by surface group

Surface Group Name Heat Flux Value
SURF, 1.0
4-6 !FILM

Definition of heat transfer coefficient given to boundary plane

Element Group Name or Element ID Load Type No. Heat Transfer Coefficient Ambient Temperature
FSURF, F1, 1.0, 800.0

Load Parameter

Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
F1 Surface No. 1 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F2 Surface No. 2 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F3 Surface No. 3 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F4 Surface No. 4 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F5 Surface No. 5 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F6 Surface No. 6 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F0 Shell surface Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
4-7 !SFILM

Definition of heat transfer coefficient by surface group

Surface Group Name Heat Transfer Rate Ambient Temperature
SFSURF, 1.0, 800.0

Definition of radiation factor given to boundary plane

Element Group Name or Element ID Load Type No. Radiation Factor Ambient Temperature
RSURF, R1, 1.0E-9, 800.0

Load Parameter

Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
R1 Surface No. 1 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R2 Surface No. 2 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R3 Surface No. 3 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R4 Surface No. 4 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R5 Surface No. 5 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R6 Surface No. 6 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R0 Shell surface Radiation factor and ambient temperature

Definition of radiation factor by surface group

Surface Group Name Radiation Factor Ambient Temperature
SRSURF, 1.0E-9, 800.0

(5) Dynamic analysis control data

Example of Dynamic Analysis Control Data
### Control File for FISTR
!SOLUTION, TYPE=DYNAMIC                         1-2
!DYNAMIC, TYPE=NONLINEAR                        5-1
  1 , 1
  0.0, 1.0, 500, 1.0000e-5
  0.5, 0.25
  1, 1, 0.0, 0.0
  100, 5, 1
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
!BOUNDARY, AMP=AMP1                             2-3
  FIX, 1, 3, 0.0
!CLOAD, AMP=AMP1                                2-4
  CL1, 3, -1.0
!COUPLE, TYPE=1                                 5-4
!STEP, CONVERG=1.E-6, ITMAX=20                  2-11
!END                                            1-12
Description Header
  • Red figures are the values indicated in the example.
  • Alphabetic characters in the 2nd line of the table express the parameter name.

Controlling the linear dynamic analysis

Solution of Equation of Motion Analysis Types
idx_eqa idx_resp
11 1
Analysis Start Time Analysis End Time Overall No. of STEPS Time Increment
t_start t_end n_step t_delta
0.0 1.0 500 1.0000e-5
Parameter of Newmark- Method Parameter of Newmark- Method
gamma beta
0.5 0.25
Type of Mass Matrix Type of Damping Parameter of Rayleigh Damping Parameter of of Rayleigh Damping
idx_mass idx_dmp ray_m ray_k
1 1 0.0 0.0
Resules Output Interval Monitoring Node ID or Node Group Name Results Output Interval of Displacement Monitoring
nout node_monit_1 nout_monit
100 55 nout_monit
Output Control Displacement Output Control Velocity Output Control Acceleration Output Control Reaction Force Output Control Strain Output Control Stress
iout_list(1) iout_list(2) iout_list(3) iout_list(4) iout_list(5) iout_list(6)
0 0 0 0 0 0
2-3 !BOUNDARY (Same items as in Static Analysis)

Definition of displacement boundary conditions

Node ID or Node Group Name Start No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom End No. of Restricted Degree of Freedom Restricted Value
FIX, 1, 3, 0.0
2-4 !CLOAD (Same items as in Static Analysis)

Definition of concentrated load

Node ID or Node Group Name Degree of Freedom No. Load Value
CL1, 3, -1.0

Definition of coupled surface

Coupling Surface Group Name
2-11 !STEP, CONVERG=1.E-10, ITMAX=20

Control of nonlinear static analysis

(Omissible in the case of linear analysis, and unnecessary for explicit method)

Convergence Value Judgment Threshold (Default: 1.0E-06) No. of Sub Steps (When AMP exists, AMP has priority) Max No. of Iterative Calculations
1.0E-10 20

(6) Dynamic analysis (Frequency Response Analysis) Control Data

Example of Dynamic analysis (Frequency Response Analysis)
!SOLUTION, TYPE=DYNAMIC                         1-2
!DYNAMIC                                        5-1
  11 , 2
  14000, 16000, 20, 15000.0
  0.0, 6.6e-5
  1, 1, 0.0, 7.2E-7
  10, 2, 1
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
!EIGENREAD                                      5-5
  1, 5
!FLOAD, LOAD CASE=2                             5-6
  _PickedSet5, 2, 1.0
  _PickedSet6, 2, 1.0
Description of Header
  • Red figures are the values indicated in the example.
  • Alphabetic characters in the 2nd line of the table express the parameter name.

Controlling the frequency response analysis

Solution of Equation of Motion Analysis Types
idx_eqa idx_resp
11 2
Minimum Frequency Maximum Frequency Number of divisions for the frequency range Frequency to obtain displacement
f_start f_end n_freq f_disp
14000 16000 20 15000.0
Analysis Start Time Analysis End Time
0.0 6.6e-5
Type of Mass Matrix Type of Damping Parameter of Rayleigh Damping Parameter of Rayleigh Damping
idx_mass idx_dmp ray_m ray_k
1 1 0.0 7.2E-7
Results Output Interval in Time Domain Visualization Type
(1-Mode shapes,
2-Time history result at f_disp)
Monitoring Node ID in Frequency Domain
nout vistype nodeout
10 2 1
Output Control
Output Control
Output Control
Output Control
Output Control
Output Control
iout_list(1) iout_list(2) iout_list(3) iout_list(4) iout_list(5) iout_list(6)
1 1 1 1 1 1

Controlling the input file for frequency response analysis

The name of eigenvalue analysis log
lowest mode to be used in frequency response analysis highest mode to be used frequency response analysis
start_mode end_mode
1 5
5-6 !FLOAD

Defining external forces applied in frequency response analysis

Node ID, Node Group Name
or Surface Group Name
Degree of Freedom No. Load Value
_PickedSet5 2 1.0

Solver Control Data

Example of Solver Control Data

  10000, 1                                                     6-2
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Description of Header

  • Red figures are the values indicated in the example.
METHOD    = method
           (CG, BiCGSTAB, GMRES, GPBiCG, etc.)
TIMELOG   = whether solver computation time is output
MPCMETHOD = method for multipoint constraints
            (1: Penalty method,
             2: MPC-CG method (Deprecated),
             3: Explicit master-slave elimination)
DUMPTYPE  = type of matrix dumping
DUMPEXIT  = whether program exits right after dumping matrix

The following parameters will be disregarded when a direct solver is selected in the method.

PRECOND   = preconditioner
ITERLOG   = whether solver convergence history is output
SCALING   = whether matrix is scaled so that each diagonal element becomes 1
USEJAD    = whether matrix ordering optimized for vector processors is performed
ESTCOND   = frequency for estimating condition number
            (Estimation performed at every specified number of iterations and
             at the last iteration.  No estimation when 0 is specified.)
No. of Iterations Iteration Count of Preconditioning No. of Krylov Subspaces No. of Colors for Multi-Color ordering No. of Recycling Set-Up Info for Preconditioning
10000 1
Truncation Error Scale Factor for Diagonal Elements
when computing Preconditioning Matrix
Not Used
1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Post Process (Visualization) Control Data

An example of the post process (visualization) control data and the contents are shown in the following.

Example of Visualization Control Data

Each description number (P1-0, P1-1, etc.) is linked to the number of the detailed descriptions in the following.

  • P1-○ expresses the common data, and P2-○ expresses the parameter for the purpose of the rendering.
    In addition, the rendering will become valid only when the output_type=BMP.
  • When the surface_style is !surface_style = 2 (isosurface) !surface_style = 3 (user specified curved surface), a separate setting is required. The data is indicated collectively after the common data.
    (P3-○ is a description of the isosurface in !surface_style = 2. P4-○ is a description of the user specified curved surface in !surface_style = 3.)
  • The items indicated with two ! like "!!", will be recognized as a comment and will not affect the analysis.
### Post Control                                Description No.
!VISUAL, method=PSR                             P1-0
!surface_num = 1                                P1-1
!surface 1                                      P1-2
!surface_style = 1                              P1-3
!display_method = 1                             P1-4
!color_comp_name = STRESS                       P1-5
!colorsubcomp_name                              P1-6
!color_comp 7                                   P1-7
!!color_subcomp = 1                             P1-8
!iso_number                                     P1-9
!specified_color                                P1-10
!deform_display_on = 1                          P1-11
!deform_comp_name                               P1-12
!deform_comp                                    P1-13
!deform_scale = 9.9e-1                          P1-14
!initial_style = 1                              P1-15
!deform_style = 3                               P1-16
!initial_line_color                             P1-17
!deform_line_color                              P1-18
!output_type = BMP                              P1-19
!x_resolution = 500                             P2-1
!y_resolution = 500                             P2-2
!num_of_lights = 1                              P2-3
!position_of_lights = -20.0, 5.8, 80.0          P2-4
!viewpoint = -20.0 -10.0 5.0                    P2-5
!look_at_point                                  P2-6
!up_direction = 0.0 0.0 1.0                     P2-7
!ambient_coef= 0.3                              P2-8
!diffuse_coef= 0.7                              P2-9
!specular_coef= 0.5                             P2-10
!color_mapping_style= 1                         P2-11
!!interval_mapping_num                          P2-12
!interval_mapping= -0.01, 0.02                  P2-13
!rotate_style = 2                               P2-14
!rotate_num_of_frames                           P2-15
!color_mapping_bar_on = 1                       P2-16
!scale_marking_on = 1                           P2-17
!num_of_scale = 5                               P2-18
!font_size = 1.5                                P2-19
!font_color = 1.0 1.0 1.0                       P2-20
!background_color                               P2-21
!isoline_color                                  P2-22
!boundary_line_on                               P2-23
!color_system_type                              P2-24
!fixed_range_on = 1                             P2-25
!range_value = -1.E-2, 1.E-2                    P2-26
Common Data List<P1-1 - P1-19>
No. Keywords Types Contents
P1-0 !VISUAL Specification of the visualization method
P1-1 surface_num No. of surfaces in one surface rendering
P1-2 surface Setting of the contents of surface
P1-3 surface_style integer Specification of the surface type (Default: 1)
1: Boundary surface
2: Isosurface
3: Curved surface defined by user based on the equation
P1-4 display_method integer Display method (Default: 1)
1. Color code display
2. Boundary line display
3. Color code and boundary line display
4. Display of 1 specified color
5. Isopleth line display by classification of color
P1-5 color_comp_name character(100) Compatible with parameter name and colormap
(Default: 1st parameter name)
P1-6 color_subcomp_name character(4) When the parameter is a vector, specifies the component to be displayed. (Default: x)
norm: Norm of the vector
x: x component
y: y component
z: z component
P1-7 color_comp integer Provides an ID number to the parameter name
(Default: 0)
P1-8 color_subcomp integer When the degree of freedom of the parameter is 1 or more, specifies the degree of freedom number to be displayed.
0: Norm
(Default: 1)
P1-9 iso_number integer Specifies the number of isopleth lines.
P1-10 specified_color real Specified the color when the display_method = 4
0.0 < specified_color < 1.0
P1-11 !deform_display_on integer Specifies the existence of deformation.
1: On, 0: Off (Default: 0)
P1-12 !deform_comp_name character(100) Specifies the attribution to be adopted when specifying deformation.
(Default: Parameter called DISPLCEMENT)
P1-13 !deform_ comp integer ID number of the parameter when specifying deformation.
(Default: 0)
P1-14 !deform_scale real Specifies the displacement scale when displaying deformation.
standard_scale =
    0.1 * sqrt(x_range2 + y_range2 + z_range2) / max_deform
user_defined: real_scale = standard_scale * deform_scale
P1-15 !initial_style integer Specifies the type of deformation display.(Default: 1)
0: Not specified
1: Solid line mesh(Displayed in blue if not specified)
2: Gray filled pattern
3: Shading (Let the physical attributions respond to the color)
4: Dotted line mesh (Displayed in blue if not specified)
P1-16 !deform_style integer Specifies the shape display style after the initial deformation.(Default: 4)
0: Not specified
1: Solid line mesh (Displayed in blue if not specified)
2: Gray filled pattern
3: Shading (Let the physical attributions respond to the color)
4: Dotted line mesh (Displayed in blue if not specified)
P1-17 !initial_line_color real (3) Specifies the color when displaying the initial mesh. This includes both the solid lines and dotted lines.
(Default: Blue(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
P1-18 !deform_line_color real (3) Specifies the color when displaying the deformed mesh. This includes both the solid lines and dotted lines.
(Yellow(1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
P1-19 output_type character(3) Specifies the type of output file. (Default: AVS)
AVS: UCD Data for AVS(only on object surface)
BMP: Image data (BMP format)
COMPLETE_REORDER_AVS: Rearranges the node and element ID
SEPARATE_COMPLETE_AVS: For each decomposed domain
COMPLETE_MICROAVS: Outputs the physical value scalar
Rendering Data List <P2-1 - P2-26>

(Valid only when the output_type=BMP)

Keywords Types Contents
P2-1 x_resolution integer Specifies the width of final figure. (Default: 512)
P2-2 y_resolution integer Specifies the height of final figure. (Default: 512)
P2-3 num_of_lights integer Specifies the number of lights. (Default: 1)
P2-4 position_of_lights real(:) Specifies the position of the lights by coordinates.(Default: Directly above front)
Specification method
!position_of_lights= x, y, z, x, y, z,...
Ex) !position_of_lights=100.0, 200.0, 0.0
P2-5 viewpoint real(3) Specifies the viewpoint position by coordinates.
(Default: x = (xmin + xmax)/2.0)
y = ymin + 1.5 *( ymax - ymin)
z = zmin + 1.5 *( zmax - zmin) )
P2-6 look_at_point real(3) Specifies the look at point position.
(Default: Center of data)
P2-7 up_direction real(3) Defines the view frame at Viewpoint, look_at_point and up_direction
(Default: 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
P2-8 ambient_coef real Specifies the peripheral brightness.
(Default: 0.3)
P2-9 diffuse_coef real Specifies the intensity of the diffused reflection light by coefficient.
(Default: 0.7)
P2-10 specular_coef real Specifies the intensity of specular reflection by coefficient.
(Default: 0.6)
P2-11 color_mapping_style integer Specifies the color mapping style.
(Default: 1)
1: Complete linear mapping (Maps overall color in RGB linear)
2: Clip linear mapping (Maps from mincolor to maxcolor in the RGB color space)
3: Nonlinear color mapping (Patitions all domains into multiple sections, and performs linear mapping for each section)
4: Optimum auto adjustment (Performs a statistical process of the data distribution to determine the color mapping)
P2-12 interval_mapping_num integer Specifies the number of sections when the color_mapping_style = 3
P2-13 interval_mapping real(:) Specifies the section position and color number when the color_mapping_style = 2 or 3.
if the color_mapping_style=2;
!interval_mapping=[minimum color], [maximum color]
If the color_mapping_style=3;
!interval_mapping=[section,compatible color value],... repeats number specified
Note: Must be describe in one line.
P2-14 rotate_style integer Specifies the rotating axis of animation.
1: Rotates at x-axis.
2: Rotates at y-axis.
3: Rotates at z axis.
4: Particularly, specifies the viewpoint to perform animation. (8 frames)
P2-15 rotate_num_of_frames integer Specifies the cycle of animation.
(rotate_style = 1, 2, 3)
(Default: 8)
P2-16 color_mapping_bar_on integer Specifies the existence of color mapping bar.
0: off; 1: on; Default: 0
P2-17 scale_marking_on integer Specifies whether to display the value on the color mapping bar.
0: off; 1: on; Default: 0
P2-18 num_of_scale integer Specifies the number of memories of the color bar.
(Default: 3)
P2-19 font_size real Specifies the font size when displaying the value of the color mapping bar.
Range: 1.0-4.0 (Default: 1.0)
P2-20 font_color real(3) Specifies the display color when displaying the value of the color mapping bar.
(Default: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 (White))
P2-21 background_color real(3) Specifies the background color. (Default: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (Black))
P2-22 isoline_color real(3) Specifies the color of the isopleth line. (Default: Same color as the value)
P2-23 boundary_line_on integer Specifies whether to display the zone of the data.
0: off; 1: on; Default: 0
P2-24 color_system_type integer Specifies the color mapping style.
(Default: 1)
1: (Blue - Red)(in ascending order)
2: Rainbow mapping (Ascending order from red to purple)
3: (Black - White)(in ascending order)
P2-25 fixed_range_on integer Specifies whether to maintain the color mapping style for other time steps.
0: off; 1: on; (Default: 0)
P2-26 range_value real(2) Specifies the section.
Data List by Setting Values of surface_style
In the case of isosurface (surface_style=2)
Keywords Types Contents
P3-1 data_comp_name character(100) Provides the name to the attribution of the isosurface.
P3-2 data_subcomp_name character(4) When the parameter is a vector, specifies the component to be displayed. (Default: x)
norm: Norm of the vector
x: x component
y: y component
z: z component
P3-3 data_comp integer Provides an ID number to the parameter name
(Default: 0)
P3-4 data_subcomp integer When the degree of freedom of the parameter is 1 or more, specifies the degree of freedom number to be displayed.
0: Norm
(Default: 1)
P3-5 iso_value real Specifies the value of the isosurface.
In the case of a curved surface (surface_sytle = 3) specified by the equation of the user
Keywords Types Contents
P4-1 method integer Specifies the attribution of the curved surface. (Default: 5)
1: Spherical surface
2: Ellipse curved surface
3: Hyperboloid
4: Paraboloid
5: General quadric surface
P4-2 point real(3) Specifies the coordinates of the center when method = 1, 2, 3, or 4
(Default: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
P4-3 radius real Specifies the radius when method = 1
(Default: 1.0)
P4-4 length real Specifies the length of the diameter when method = 2, 3, or 4.
Note: The length of one diameter in the case the ellipse curved surface is 1.0.
P4-5 coef real Specifies the coefficient of a quadric surface when method=5.
coef[1]x2 + coef[2]y2 + coef[3]z2 + coef[4]xy + coef[5]xz + coef[6]yz + coef[7]x + coef[8]y + coef[9]z + coef[10]=0
Ex: coef=0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -10.0
This means the plain surface of y=10.0

Details of Analysis Control Data Parameters

The details of each parameter explained in item 7.3 are described in the following.

The analysis control data is classified as follow.

  1. Common control data
  2. Control data for static analysis
  3. Control data for eigenvalue analysis
  4. Control data for heat conduction analysis
  5. Control data for dynamic analysis
  6. Solver control data
  7. Post process (visualization) control data

Common Control Data

(1) !VERSION (1-1)

Specifies the solver version number. The current version number is 5.

Example of Use
(2) !SOLUTION (1-2)

Specifies the type of analysis.

     STATIC      : Linear static analysis
     NLSTATIC    : Nonlinear static analysis (same as TYPE=STATIC, NONLINEAR)
     HEAT        : Heat conduction analysis
     EIGEN       : Eigenvalue analysis
     DYNAMIC     : Dynamic analysis
     STATICEIGEN : Nonlinear static analysis &rarr; Eigenvalue analysis
     ELEMCHECK   : Element shape check
NONLINEAR        : Consider Nonlinearity(only available when TYPE=STATIC/DYNAMIC )
Example of Use

Linear static analysis


Nonlinear static analysis

(3) !WRITE, VISUAL (1-3)

Specifies the output data by the visualizer via memory.

FREQUENCY = step interval of output (Default: 1)
Example of Use
(4) !WRITE, RESULT (1-4)

Specifies the output of the analysis results file.

FREQUENCY = step interval of output (Default:1)
Example of Use
(5) !WRITE, LOG (1-5)

Specifies the step interval for output to the log file.

FREQUENCY = step interval of output (Default:1)
Example of Use
(6) !OUTPUT_VIS (1-6)

Output item control of the visualization

!WRITE, VISUAL must be specified



2nd Line or later
(2nd line or later) Parameter name, ON/OFF

The following parameter names can be specified.

Parameter Names Physical Values
DISP Displacement (Default output)
ROT Rotation (Only for 781,761 shell)
REACTION Reaction force of nodes
NSTRAIN Strain of nodes
NSTRESS Stress of nodes (Default output)
NMISES Mises stress of nodes (Default output)
TH_NSTRAIN Thermal strain of nodes (Not included)
VEL Velocity
ACC Acceleration
TEMP Temperature
PRINC_NSTRESS Nodal principal stress(Scalar value)
PRINCV_NSTRESS Nodal principal stress(Vector value)
PRINC_NSTRAIN Nodal principal strain(Scalar value)
PRINCV_NSTRAIN Nodal principal strain(Vector value)
SHELL_LAYER Output per layer of layerd shell element
SHELL_SURFACE Output of surface information of shell element
CONTACT_NFORCE Contact normal force(Vector value)
CONTACT_FRICTION Contact friction force(Vector value)
CONTACT_RELVEL Contact relative displacement (Vector value / slave point only)
CONTACT_STATE Contact state(Scalar value / -1, 0, 1 and 2 means free, undefined, stick and slip respectively)
CONTACT_NTRACTION Contact normal traction(Vector value)
CONTACT_FTRACTION Contact friction traction(Vector value)
Example of Use
(7) !OUTPUT_RES (1-7)

Output item control of the result

!WRITE, RESULT must be specified



2nd Line or later
(2nd line or later) Parameter name, ON/OFF

The following parameter names can be specified.

Parameter Names Physical Values
DISP Displacement (Default output)
ROT Rotation (Only for 781,761 shell)
REACTION Reaction force of nodes
NSTRAIN Strain of nodes
NSTRESS Stress of nodes (Default output)
NMISES Mises stress of nodes (Default output)
ESTRAIN Strain of elements
ESTRESS Stress of elements (Default output)
EMISES Mises stress of elements (Default output)
ISTRAIN Strain of integration points
ISTRESS Stress of integration points
PL_ISTRAIN Plastic strain of integration points
TH_NSTRAIN Thermal strain of nodes (Not included)
TH_ESTRAIN Thermal strain of elements (Not included)
TH_ISTRAIN Thermal strain of integration points (Not included)
VEL Velocity
ACC Acceleration
TEMP Temperature
PRINC_NSTRESS Nodal principal stress(Scalar value)
PRINCV_NSTRESS Nodal principal stress(Vector value)
PRINC_NSTRAIN Nodal principal strain(Scalar value)
PRINCV_NSTRAIN Nodal principal strain(Vector value)
PRINC_ESTRESS Elemental principal stress(Scalar value)
PRINCV_ESTRESS Elemental principal stress(Vector value)
PRINC_ESTRAIN Elemental principal strain(Scalar value)
PRINCV_ESTRAIN Elemental principal strain(Vector value)
SHELL_LAYER Output per layer of layerd shell element
SHELL_SURFACE Output of surface information of shell element
CONTACT_NFORCE Contact normal force(Vector value)
CONTACT_FRICTION Contact friction force(Vector value)
CONTACT_RELVEL Contact relative displacement (Vector value / slave point only)
CONTACT_STATE Contact state(Scalar value / -1, 0, 1 and 2 means free, undefined, stick and slip respectively)
CONTACT_NTRACTION Contact normal traction(Vector value)
CONTACT_FTRACTION Contact friction traction(Vector value)
Example of Use
(8) !RESTART (1-8)

Controls the writing of the restart file. When not specified, the restart file can not be written.

FREQUENCY = n        :step interval of output (Default: 0)
            n > 0    :Output for each n step
            n < 0    :First, reads the restart file, then outputs for each n step
Example of Use
(9) !ECHO (1-9)

Outputs the node data, element data and material data to the log file.



(10) !ORIENTATION (1-10)

Definition of local coordinate system

NAME = Name of local coordinate system
2nd Line of later
(2nd line or later) a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3
(2nd line or later) a, b, c
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
a1, a2, a3 R coodinate of point a
b1, b2, b3 R coodinate of point b
c1, c2, c3 R coodinate of point c
a,b,c I Node ID of a,b,c, respectively

Analysis Control Data

(11) !SECTION (1-11)

Definition of local coordinate system the sction correspondent to.

SECNUM = Index of section defined in M1-10 in chapter 6.3.
ORIENTATION = Name of local coordinate system defined in (1-10) above.
FORM361 = FBAR (Default in nonlinear analysis)/IC (Default in linear analysis)/BBAR/FI
FORM341 = FI (Default)/SELECTIVE_ESNS(smoothed element)
2nd Line or later



Definition of initial condition


(2nd line) ng1, t1

(3rd line or later) ng2, t2


Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ng1,ng2, ... C/I name of node group/index of node
t1, t2, ... R temperature

(2nd line) ng1, dof1, v1

(3rd line or later) ng2, dof2, v2


Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ng1,ng2, ... C/I name of node group/index of node
dof1, dof2, ... I dof number(1-6)
v1, v2, ... R velocity/acceleration
(13) !END (1-13)

Displays the end of the control data.



Control Data for Static Analysis

(1) !STATIC (2-1)

Performs the static analysis. (Default: omissible)



(2) !MATERIAL (2-2)

Definition of material physical properties

The definition of the material physical properties is used in a set with the !MATERIAL and the !ELASTIC, !PLASTIC and etc. entered next. The !ELASTIC, !PLASTIC and etc. entered before !MATERIAL will be disregarded.

Note: When the !MATERIAL is defined in the analysis control data, the !MATERIAL definition in the mesh data will be disregarded. When the !MATERIAL is not defined in the analysis control data, the !MATERIAL definition in the mesh data is used.

NAME = Material name
(3) !ELASTIC (2-2-1)

Definition of elastic material

DEPENDENCIES = 0 (Default)/1
INFINITESIMAL    When specified, infinitesimal deformation is assumed
2nd Line or later
  • In the case of TYPE = ISOTROPIC
(2nd Line) YOUNGS, POISSION, Temperature
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
YOUNGS R Young's Modulus
POISSON R Poisson's Ratio
Temperature R Temperature (required when DEPENDENCIES = 1)

(2nd Line) E1, E2, E3, ν12, ν13, ν23, G12, G13, G23, Temperature

  • In the case of TYPE=USER
(2nd line - 10th line)v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10
(4) !PLASTIC (2-2-2)

Definition of plastic material

!PLASTIC must be defined together with !ELASTIC.

YIELD        = MISES (Default), Mohr-Coulomb, DRUCKER-PRAGER, USER
               KINEMATIC, COMBINED
DEPENDENCIES = 0 (Default)/1
INFINITESIMAL    When specified, infinitesimal deformation is assumed

2nd line or later

# In case of YIELD = MISES (Default)

In case of HARDEN = BILINEAR (Default)

(2nd line) YIELD0, H


(2nd line) YIELD, PSTRAIN, Temperature
(3rd line) YIELD, PSTRAIN, Temperature


In case of HARDEN = SWIFT

(2nd line) $\epsilon$0, K, n


(2nd line) $\epsilon$0, D, n


(2nd line) YIELD0, C


(2nd line) YIELD0, H, C
# In case of YIELD = Mohr-Coulomb or Drucker-Prager

In case of HARDEN = BILINEAR(Default)

(2nd line) c, $\phi$, H, $\psi$


(2nd line) $\phi$, $\psi$
(3nd line) c, PSTRAIN
(4th line) c, PSTRAIN

HARDEN =others will be disregarded, becomes the default (BILINEAR).

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
YIELD0 R Initial yield stress
H R Hardening factor
PSTRAIN R Plastic strain
YIELD R Yield stress
$\phi$ R Angle of internal friction
$\psi$ R Dilatancy angle (Default: same value as $\phi$)
c R Cohesion
C R Linear motion hardening factor
Tempearture R Temperature (required when DEPENDENCIES = 1)
v1, v2...v10 R Material constant

In the case of YIELD= USER

(2nd Line or later) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10
Example of Use
  276.0, 0.0, 20.
  296.0, 0.0018, 20.
  299.0, 0.0053, 20.
  303.0, 0.008, 20.
  338.0, 0.0173, 20.
  372.0, 0.0271, 20.
  400.0, 0.037, 20.
  419.0, 0.0471, 20.
  437.0, 0.0571, 20.
  450.0, 0.0669, 20.
  460.0, 0.0767, 20.
  469.0, 0.0867, 20.
  477.0, 0.0967, 20.
  276.0, 0.0, 100.
  276.0, 0.0018, 100.
  282.0, 0.0053, 100.
  295.0, 0.008, 100.
  330.0, 0.0173, 100.
  370.0, 0.0271, 100.
  392.0, 0.037, 100.
  410.0, 0.0471, 100.
  425.0, 0.0571, 100.
  445.0, 0.0669, 100.
  450.0, 0.0767, 100.
  460.0, 0.0867, 100.
  471.0, 0.0967, 100.
  128.0, 0.0, 400.
  208.0, 0.0018, 400.
  243.0, 0.0053, 400.
  259.0, 0.008, 400.
  309.0, 0.0173, 400.
  340.0, 0.0271, 400.
  366.0, 0.037, 400.
  382.0, 0.0471, 400.
  396.0, 0.0571, 400.
  409.0, 0.0669, 400.
  417.0, 0.0767, 400.
  423.0, 0.0867, 400.
  429.0, 0.0967, 400.

The work hardening coefficient will be calculated by inserting the data from the above inputdata, regarding the specified temperature or plastic strain. It is necessary to input the same PSTRAIN array for each temperature.

(5) !HYPERELASTIC (2-2-3)

Definition of hyperelastic material

2nd Line or later
# In the case of TYPE = NEOHOOKE

(2nd line) C10, D

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
C10 R Material constant
D R Material constant

(2nd line) C10, C01, D

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
C10 R Material constant
C01 R Material constant
D R Material constant
# In case of TYPE = ARRUDA-BOYCE
(2nd line) mu, lambda_m, D
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
mu R Material constant
lambda_m R Material constant
D R Material constant

(2nd line) C10, C01, D, C42, C43

変数名 属性 内容
C10 R Material constant
C01 R Material constant
D R Material constant
C42 R Material constant
C43 R Material constant
# In case of TYPE = USER
(2nd line-10th line) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10
(6) !VISCOELASTIC (2-2-4)

Definition of viscoelastic material

!VISCOELASTIC must be defined together with !ELASTIC.

DEPENDENCIES = the number of parameters depended upon (Not included)
INFINITESIMAL    When specified, infinitesimal deformation is assumed

2nd Line or later

(2nd line) g, t
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
g R Shear relaxation modulus
t R Relaxation time
(7) !CREEP (2-2-5)

Definition of creep material

!CREEP must be defined together with !ELASTIC.

TYPE = NORTON (Default)
DEPENDENCIES = 0 (Default) / 1

2nd Line or later

(2nd line) A, n, m, Tempearature
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
A R Material modulus
n R Material modulus
m R Material modulus
Tempearture R Temperature(required when DEPENDENCIES=1)
(8) !DENSITY (2-2-6)

Definition of mass density

DEPENDENCIES = the number of parameters depended upon (Not included)

2nd Line or later

(2nd line) density
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
density R Mass density
(9) !EXPANSION_COEFF (2-2-7)

Definition of coefficient of linear expansion

The coefficient to be input here is not the coefficient of linear expansion at each temperature, but its averaged value between the reference temperature and each temperature as follows:

DEPENDENCIES = 0(Default) / 1

2nd Line or later

(2nd line) expansion, Temperature
(2nd line) $\alpha$11, $\alpha$22, $\alpha$33, Temperature
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
expansion R Coefficient of thermo expansion
$\alpha$11, $\alpha$22, $\alpha$33 R Coefficient of thermo expansion
Tempearture R Temperature (required when DEPENDENCIES = 1)
(10) !TRS (2-2-8)

Thermorheological Simplicity description on temperature behavior of viscoelastic materials

This definition must be placed after !VISCOELASTIC. If not, this definition will be ignored.


2nd line or later

(2nd line) $\theta_0$, C1, C2

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
$\theta_0$ R Reference temperature
C1, C2 R Material constants
(11) !FLUID (2-2-9)

Definition of flow condition


2nd Line or later

(2nd line) mu
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
mu R Viscosity
(12) !USER_MATERIAL (2-2-10)

Input of user defined material

NSTATUS = Specifies the number of state variables of material (Default: 1)

2nd line or later

(2nd line-10th line) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10
(13) !BOUNDARY (2-3)

Definition of displacement boundary conditions

GRPID      = Group ID
AMP        = Time function name (Specified in !AMPLITUDE, valid in dynamic analysis)
ROT_CENTER = Node number of rotational constraint or node group name. 
             When specified it, this `!BOUNDARY` is recognized as rotational constraint. 
TOTAL        When specified, the displacements are treated as total displacements from
             the initial configuration (Default is relative displacements from the
             configuration at the beginning of the step)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_idS, DOF_idE, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
DOF_idS I Start No. of restricted degree of freedom
DOF_idE I End No. of restricted degree of freedom
Value R Restricted value (Default: 0)
Example of Use
  1, 1, 3, 0.0
  ALL, 3, 3,

Note: Resricted value is 0.0

(14) !SPRING (2-3-1)

Definition of spring boundary conditions

GRPID = Group ID

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_id, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
DOF_id I Restricted degree of freedom
Value R Spring constant
Example of Use
  1, 1, 0.5
(15) !CLOAD (2-4)

Definition of concentrated load

GRPID      = Group ID
AMP        = Time function name (Specified in !AMPLITUDE, valid in dynamic analysis)
ROT_CENTER = Node number of rotational constraint or node group name.
             When specified it, this `!CLOAD` is recognized as load of torque.

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_id, Value
Parameters Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
DOF_id I Degree of freedom No.
Value R Load value
Example of Use
  1, 1, 1.0e3
  ALL, 3, 10.0
(16) !DLOAD (2-5)

Definition of distributed load

GRPID = Group ID
AMP = Time Function Name (Specified in !AMPLITUDE, valid in dynamic analysis)
FOLLOW = YES(Default) / NO
         (whether pressure load follow deformation, valid in finite displacement analysis)

2nd Line or later

(2nd line) ID_NAME, LOAD_type, param1, param2,...
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ID_NAME I/C Surface group name, element group name, or element ID
LOAD_type C Load type No.
param* R Load parameter (refer to following)
# Load Parameters
Load Type No. Types No. of Parameters Parameter Array & Meaning
S Applies pressure to surface specified in the surface group 1 Pressure value
P0 Applies pressure to shell element 1 Pressure value
PX Pressure to shell element along X direction 1 Pressure value
PY Pressure to shell element along Y direction 1 Pressure value
PZ Pressure to shell element along Z direction 1 Pressure value
P1 Applies pressure to 1st surface 1 Pressure value
P2 Applies pressure to 2nd surface 1 Pressure value
P3 Applies pressure to 3rd surface 1 Pressure value
P4 Applies pressure to 4th surface 1 Pressure value
P5 Applies pressure to 5th surface 1 Pressure value
P6 Applies pressure to 6th surface 1 Pressure value
BX Body force in X direction 1 Body force value
BY Body force in Y direction 1 Body force value
BZ Body force in Z direction 1 Body force value
GRAV Gravity 4 Gravitaional acceleration, gravity direction cosine
CENT Centrifugal force 7 Angular velocity, position vector at a point on the rotation axis, vector in the rotating axis direction
# Example of Use
  1, P1, 1.0
  ALL, BX, 1.0
  ALL, GRAV, 9.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
  ALL, CENT, 188.495, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
(17) !ULOAD (2-6)

Input of user definition load

FILE = file name (Mandatory)
(18) !CONTACT_ALGO (2-7)

Specification of the contact analysis algorithm

TYPE = SLAGRANGE (Lagrange multiplier method)
       ALAGRANGE (Extended Lagrange multiplier method)
(19) !CONTACT (2-8)

Definition of contact conditions

GRPID       = Boundary conditions group ID
INTERACTION = SSLID (Infinitesimal slip contact, Default) / FSLID (Finite slip contact) / TIED (Tied)
NTOL        = Contact normal direction convergence threshold (Default: 1.e-5)
TTOL        = Contact tangential direction convergence threshold (Default: 1.e-3)
NPENALTY    = Contact normal direction Penalty (Default: stiffness matrix 1.e3)
TPENALTY    = Contact tangential direction Penalty (Default: 1.e3)
CONTACTPARAM = Contact scan parameter set name(specified by `!CONTACT_PARAM, NAME`)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) PAIR_NAME, fcoef, factor
Parameter Name Attributions Contacts
PAIR_NAME C Contact pair name (Defined in !CONTACT_PAIR)
fcoef R Friction coefficient (Default: 0.0)
factor R Friction penalty stiffness
(2nd line) PAIR_NAME
Parameter Name Attributions Contacts
PAIR_NAME C Contact pair name (Defined in !CONTACT_PAIR)
Example of Use
  CP1, 0.1, 1.0e+5
# Note
  • if CONTACTPARAM is specified, the destination !CONTACT_PARAM must be defined prior to the !CONTACT card. If this parameter is omitted, the default contact scan parameter set is used.
(20) !TEMPERATURE (2-9)

Specification of nodal temperature used for thermal stress analysis

READRESULT = Number of result steps of heat conduction analysis.
             When specified, the temperature is sequentially input from
             the results file of the heat conduction analysis,
             and the 2nd line and later will be disregarded.
SSTEP      = First step number that performs the reading
             of the heat conduction analysis results (Default: 1)
INTERVAL   = Step interval that performs the reading
             of the heat conduction analysis results (Default: 1)
             When TIME is specified, analysis time of the stress
             analysis is synchronized with the heat conduction
             analysis (value of INTERVAL is ignored, and the
             temperature is linearly interpolated from results of the
             heat conduction analysis right before and after the
             current analysis time)

When unsteady heat conduction analysis using auto time increment was performed, and the results were output at specified time points using !TIME_POINTS, READTYPE=TIME needs to be specified because the step interval of the results is not constant.

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, Temp_Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
Temp_Value R Temperature (Default: 0)
Example of Use
  1, 10.0
  2, 120.0
  3, 330.0
  ALL, 20.0
(21) !REFTEMP (2-10)

Definition of reference temperature in thermal stress analysis



2nd line or later

(2nd line) Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
Value R Reference temperature (Default: 0)
(22) !STEP (2-11)

Analysis step settings

Required for nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis

If you omit this definition for any analysis other than the above, all boundary conditions are in effect and the calculation is done in one step

If the material properties are visco-elasticity and creep, specify TYPE=VISCO and set the calculation time condition to

TYPE     = STATIC (default)/VISCO (quasi-static analysis)
SUBSTEPS = Number of substeps of the boundary conditions (Default: 1)
CONVERG  = Convergence threshold (Default: 1.0e-6)
MAXITER  = Maximum number of iterations in nonelinear analysis (Default: 50)
AMP      = Time function name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
INC_TYPE = FIXED (fixed increment, default) / AUTO (automatic increment)
MAXRES   = Setting of maximum allowable residuals (default: 1.0e+10)
TIMEPOINTS = Name of the time list (specified by `!TIME_POINTS, NAME`)
AUTOINCPARAM = auto-incremental parameter set name (specified by `!AUTOINC_PARAM, NAME`)
MAXCONTITER = Maximum number of contact iterations in contact analysis (default: 10)

2nd line or later

In case of INC_TYPE=FIXED (If TYPE=STATIC, it can be omitted.)

(2nd line) DTIME, ETIME
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
DTIME R Time increment value (Default: 1/SUBSTEPS)
ETIME R End value of time increment in this step (Default: 1)

In case of INC_TYPE=AUTO (regardless of TYPE)

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
DTIME_INIT R Initial time increment
ETIME R Step time width
MINDT R Lower limit of time increments
MAXDT R Maximum limit of time increments

3rd line or later

  BOUNDARY, id          GRPID defined in id=!BOUNDARY
  LOAD, id              GRPID defined in id=!CLOAD, !DLOAD, !SPRING, !TEMPERATURE
  CONTACT, id           GRPID defined in id=!CONTACT
# Examples of fixed time increment usage
  0.1, 1.0
  LOAD, 1

Enable automatic incremental adjustment, set the initial time increment to 0.01, step time width to 2.5, lower time increment 1E-5, upper time increment 0.3, and maximum number of sub-steps to 200.

   0.01, 2.5, 1E-5, 0.3

Enable automatic incremental adjustment and specify time list TP1 as the calculated and resulting output time

    0.1, 2.0, 1E-3, 0.2
# Note
  • In the case of automatic incremental adjustment, SUBSTEPS is treated as the maximum number of substeps
  • Time-list name TIMEPOINTS and automatic contact parameter set AUTOINCPARAM are valid only when INC_TYPE=AUTO.
  • if TIMEPOINTS is specified, the destination !TIME_POINT must be defined before the !STEP card.
  • if AUTOINCPARAM is specified, the destination !AUTOINC_PARAM must be defined prior to the !STEP card. If this parameter is omitted, the default auto-incremental parameter set is used.
(23) !AUTOINC_PARAM (2-12)

Specify auto-incremental parameters.

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
NAME C Automatic incremental parameter name (required)

2nd line

Specify the reduction conditions and the rate of time incremental reduction.

(2nd line) RS, NS_MAX, NS_SUM, NS_COUT, N_S
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
RS R Time incremantal rate of decline (default:0.25)
NS_MAX I Threshold for maximum number of Netwon method iterations (default: 10)
NS_SUM I Threshold for the total number of Netwon method iterations (default: 50)
NS_CONT I Number of contact iterations threshold (default: 10)
N_S I Number of sub-steps until the reduction condition is met (default: 1)

3rd line

Specifies the condition for the increase and the rate of increase of the time increment at that time.

(3rd line) RL, NL_MAX, NL_SUM, NL_COUT, N_L
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
RL R Incremental rate of increase by time (default:1.25)
NL_MAX I Threshold for maximum number of Netwon method iterations (default: 1)
NL_SUM I Threshold for the total number of Netwon method iterations (default: 1)
NL_CONT I Number of contact iterations threshold (default: 1)
N_L I Number of sub-steps until the increase condition is met (default: 2)

4th line

(4th line) RC, N_C
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
RC R Decrease of time increment at cutback (default: 0.25)
N_C I Maximum permissible number of continuous cutbacks (default: 5)

With the same settings as the default settings

  0.25, 10, 50, 10, 1
  1.25,  1,  1,  1, 2
  0.25,  5
(24) !TIME_POINTS (2-13)
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
NAME C Time list name (required)
TIME C STEP (input based on the time from the step start time, default value) / TOTAL (input based on total time from the initial time)
GENERATE - Automatic generationi of time points by start time, end time and time interval

2nd line or later

When don't use GENERATE

(2nd line or later) TIME
Parameter Name Attribution Contents
TIME R time

When using GENERATE

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
STIME R start time
ETIME R end time
INTERVAL R interval between time points

Time 1.5, 2.7 and 3.9 are defined as total times without using GENERATE.

1.5, 3.9, 1.2
  • The time points must be entered in ascending order.
(25) !CONTACT_PARAM (2-14)

Specify contact scan parameter set.

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
NAME C Contact scan parameter set name (required)

2nd line

Specify clearance values in in-surface directions.

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
CLEARANCE R ordinary clearance (Default: 1e-4)
CLR_SAME_ELEM R clearance for already-in-contct elems (loosen to avoid moving too easily) (Default: 5e-3)
CLR_DIFFLPOS R clearance to be recognized as different position (loosen to avoid oscillation) (Default: 1e-2)
CLR_CAL_NORM R clearance used when calculating surface normal (Default: 1e-40

3rd line

Specify clearance values in directions vertical to the surface.

Parameter Name Attribution Contents
DISTCLR_INIT R dist clearance for initial scan (Default: 1e-6)
DISTCLR_FREE R dist clearance for free nodes (wait until little penetration to be judged as contact) (Default: -1e-6)
DISTCLR_NOCHECK R dist clearance for skipping distance check for nodes already in contact (big value to keep contact because contact-to-free is judged by tensile force) (Default: 1.0)
TENSILE_FORCE R tensile force to be judged as free node (Default: -1e-8)
BOX_EXP_RATE R expansion rate of the box used for contact scan (the smaller the faster, the bigger the safer) (Default: 1.05)
Example of Use

With the same settings as the default settings

 1.0e-4,  5.0e-3,  1.0e-2,  1.0e-4
 1.0e-6, -1.0e-6,  1.0,    -1.0e-8,  1.05
!EMBED (2-15)

Definition of embedding

GRPID = boundary condition group ID

2nd line or later

(2nd line or later) PAIR_NAME
Variable Name Attribute Contents
PAIR_NAME C embedded pair name (defined in !EMBED PAIR)
Example usage
  • To enable embedding in a step, specify the GRPID with the keyword “CONTACT” in the data line of the !STEP.

Control Data for Eigenvalue Analysis

(1) !EIGEN (3-1)

Parameter settings of eigenvalue analysis



2nd line or later

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NSET I No. of eigenvalue
LCZTOL R Allowance (Default: 1.0e-8)
LCZMAX I Max No. of iterations (Default: 60)
Example of Use
  3, 1.0e-10, 40

Control Data for Heat Conduction Analysis

(1) !HEAT (4-1)

Definition of control data regarding calculation

TIMEPOINTS = Time list name (specify with !TIME_POINTS, NAME)

2nd line or later

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
DT R Initial time increment
≦ 0: Steady calculation
> 0: Unsteady calculation
ETIME R Unsteady calculation time (mandatory for unsteady calculation)
DTMIN R Minimum time increment
≦ 0: Fixed time increment
> 0: Auto time increment
DELTMX R Allowable change in temperature
ITMAX I Maximum number of iterations of nonlinear calculation (Default: 20)
EPS R Convergence judgment value (Default: 1.0e-6)
Example of Use
  (No data)               ----- Steady calculation
  0.0                     ----- Steady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0            ----- Fixed time increment unsteady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0, 1.0       ----- Auto time increment unsteady calculation
  10.0, 3600.0, 1.0, 20.0 ----- Auto time increment unsteady calculation

Only when performing auto time increment unsteady calculation, TIMEPOINTS parameter can be used to specify time points at which results and/or visualization files are output.

(2) !FIXTEMP (4-2)

Definition of fixed temperature

AMP = Flux history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_GRP_NAME, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_GRP_NAME C/I Node group name or node ID
Value R Temperature (Default: 0)
Example of Use
  ALL, 20.0
  ALL, 1.0
(3) !CFLUX (4-3)

Definition of centralized heat flux given to the node

AMP = Flux history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_GRP_NAME, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_GRP_NAME C/I Node group name or node ID
Value R Heat flux value
  ALL, 1.0E-3
  ALL, 1.0
(4) !DFLUX (4-4)

Definition of distributed heat flux and internal heat generation given to surface of element

AMP = Flux history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) ELEMENT_GRP_NAME, LOAD_type, Value
Paramater Name Attributions Contents
ELEMENT_GRP_NAME C/I Element group name or element ID
LOAD_type C Load type No.
Value R Heat flux value
  ALL, S1, 1.0
  ALL, S0, 1.0
# Load Parameters
Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
BF Element overall Calorific value
S1 Surface No. 1 Heat flux value
S3 Surface No. 2 Heat flux value
S4 Surface No. 3 Heat flux value
S5 Surface No. 4 Heat flux value
S6 Surface No. 5 Heat flux value
S2 Surface No. 6 Heat flux value
S3 Shell surface Heat flux value
(5) !SFLUX (4-5)

Definition of distributed heat flux by surface group

AMP = Flux history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) SURFACE_GRP_NAME, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
SURFACE_GRP_NAME C Surface group name
Value R Heat flux value
Example of Use
  SURF, 1.0
  SURF, 1.0
(6) !FILM (4-6)

Definition of heat transfer coefficient given to the boundary plane

AMP1 = Heat transfer coefficient history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
AMP2 = Ambient temperature history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) ELEMENT_GRP_NAME, LOAD_type, Value, Sink
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ELEMENT_GRP_NAME C/I Element group name or element ID
LOAD_type C Load type No.
Value R Heat transfer coefficient
Sink R Ambient temperature
Example of Use
  FSURF, F1, 1.0, 800.0
  FSURF, F1, 1.0, 1.0
# Load Parameters
Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
F1 Surface No. 1 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F2 Surface No. 2 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F3 Surface No. 3 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F4 Surface No. 4 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F5 Surface No. 5 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F6 Surface No. 6 Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
F0 Shell Surface Heat transfer coefficient and ambient temperature
(7) !SFILM (4-7)

Definition of heat transfer coefficient by surface group

AMP1 = Heat transfer coefficient history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
AMP2 = Ambient temperature history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) SURFACE_GRP_NAME, Value, Sink
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
SURFACE_GRP_NAME C Surface group name
Valu R Heat Transfer Rate
Sink R Ambient Temperature
Example of Use
  SFSURF, 1.0, 800.0
  SFSURF, 1.0, 1.0
!RADIATE (4-8)

Definition of radiation factor given to boundary plane

AMP1 = Radiation factor history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
AMP2 = Ambient temperature history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) ELEMENT_GRP_NAME, LOAD_type, Value, Sink
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ELEMENT_GRP_NAME C/I Element group name or element ID
LOAD_type C Load type No.
Value R Radiation factor
Sink R Ambient temperature
Example of Use
  RSURF, R1, 1.0E-9, 800.0
  RSURF, R1, 1.0E-9, 1.0
# Load Parameters
Load Type No. Applied Surface Parameter
R1 Surface No. 1 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R2 Surface No. 2 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R3 Surface No. 3 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R4 Surface No. 4 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R5 Surface No. 5 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R6 Surface No. 6 Radiation factor and ambient temperature
R0 Shell Surface Radiation factor and ambient temperature
(9) !SRADIATE (4-9)

Definition of radiation factor by surface group

AMP1 = Radiation factor history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
AMP2 = Ambient temperature history table name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) SURFACE_GRP_NAME, Value, Sink
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
SURFACE_GRP_NAME C Surface group name
Value R Radiation factor
Sink R Ambient temperature
Example of Use
  RSURF, 1.0E-9, 800.0
  RSURF, 1.0E-9, 1.0
(10) !WELD_LINE (4-10)

Definition of weld line (Linear)



2nd line

(2nd line) I, U, Coef, V
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
I R Current
U R Voltage
Coef R Heat input coefficient
V R Movement speed of the welding torch

3rd line

(3rd line) EGROUP, XYZ, C1, C2, H, tstart
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
EGROUP C Element group name for heat input
XYZ I Movement direction of welding torch (Degree of freedom No.)
C1 R Starting point coordinates of welding torch
C2 R Ending point coordinates of welding torch
H R Width of welding torch, inside which thermo energy inputted
tstart R Welding start time

Control Data for Dynamic Analysis


Dynamic analysis control

Time t for each !AMPLITUDE specified in !BOUNDARY, !CLOAD and !DLOAD must be started from 0.0.

TYPE = LINEAR    : Linear dynamic analysis
       NONLINEAR : Nonlinear dynamic analysis

2nd line or later

(2nd line) idx_eqa, idx_resp
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
idx_eqa I Solution of equation of motion (Direct time integration)
(Default: 1)
1: Implicit method (Newmark-β method)
11: Explicit method (Center difference method)
idx_resp I Analysis type (Default: 1)
1: Time history response analysis
2: Frequency response analysis (Not included)
# idx_resp=1 (Time history response analysis)
(3rd line) t_start , t_end , n_step, t_delta
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
t_start R Analysis start time (Default: 0.0), not used
t_end R Analysis end time (Default: 1.0), not used
n_step I Overall No. of steps (Default: 1)
t_delta R Time increment (Default: 1.0)
(4th line) ganma , beta
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ganma R Parameter γ of Newmark-β method (Default: 0.5)
beta R Parameter β of Newmark-γ method (Default: 0.25)
(5th line) idx_mas ,idx_dmp , ray_m ,ray_k
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
idx_mas I Type of mass matrix (Default: 1)
1: Lumped mass matrix
2: Consistent mass matrix
idx_dmp I 1: Rayleigh damping (Default: 1)
ray_m R Parameter Rm of Rayleigh damping (Default: 0.0)
ray_k R Parameter Rk of Rayleigh damping (Default: 0.0)
(6th line) nout, node_monit_1, nout_monit
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
nout I not used
node_monit_1 I Monitoring node ID (Global) or node group name
nout_monit I Results output interval of displacement monitoring
(Default: 1)

Note: Regarding the information of the monitoring node specified in this line, the displacement is output to the file <dyna_disp_NID.txt>, where NID is the global ID of the monitoring node, and each line includes the step number, time of the step, NID, u1, u2, and u3 in this order. The velocity and acceleration are also output to <dyna_velo_NID.txt> and <dyna_acce_NID.txt>, respectively, in the same format as the displacement. The nodal strain is output to <dyna_strain_NID.txt> and each line includes the step number, time of the step, NID, e11, e22, e33, e12, e23, and e13 in this order. The nodal stress is output to <dyna_stress_NID.txt> and each line includes the step number, time of the step, NID, s11, s22, s33, s12, s23, s13, and s_mises in this order. When monitoring nodes are specified by a node group, each of the files stated above is separately output for each node. When this output is specified, the kinetic energy, deformation energy and the overall energy of the overall analytic model will also be output to <dyna_energy.txt>.

(7th line) iout_list(1),iout_list(2),iout_list(3),iout_list(4),iout_list(5),iout_list(6)
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
iout_list(1) I Displacement output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(2) I Velocity output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(3) I Acceleration output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(4) I Reaction force output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(5) I Strain output specification (Default: 0)
1: Output
2: Output (Node base)
3: Output (Element base)
iout_list(6) I Stress output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output (Element base and node base)
1: Output
2: Output (Node base)
3: Output (Element base)
Example of Use
  1 , 1
  0.0, 1.0, 500, 1.0000e-5
  0.5, 0.25
  1, 1, 0.0, 0.0
  100, 55, 1
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
# idx_resp=2 (Frequency response analysis)
(3rd line) f_start, f_end, n_freq, f_disp
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
f_start R Minimum frequency
f_end R Maximum frequency
n_freq I Number of divisions for the frequency range
f_disp R Frequency to obtain displacement
(4th line) t_start, t_end
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
t_start R Analysis start time
t_end R Analysis end time
(5th line) idx_mas, idx_dmp, ray_m ,ray_k
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
idx_mas I Type of mass matrix (Default: 1)
1: Lumped mass matrix
idx_dmp I 1: Rayleigh damping (Default: 1)
ray_m R Parameter Rm of Rayleigh damping (Default: 0.0)
ray_k R Parameter Rk of Rayleigh damping (Default: 0.0)
(6th line) nout, vistype, nodeout
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
nout I Results output interval in time domain
vistype I Visuzalization type
1:Mode shapes
2:Time history results at f_disp
nodeout I Monitoring NODE ID in frequency domain
(7th line) iout_list(1),iout_list(2),iout_list(3),iout_list(4),iout_list(5),iout_list(6)
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
iout_list(1) I Displacement output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(2) I Velocity output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(3) I Acceleration output specification (Default: 0)
0: Not output, 1: Output
iout_list(4) I not used
iout_list(5) I not used
iout_list(6) I not used
Example of Use
  11 , 2
  14000, 16000, 20, 15000.0
  0.0, 6.6e-5
  1, 1, 0.0, 7.2E-7
  10, 2, 1
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
(2) !VELOCITY (5-2)

Definition of velocity boundary conditions

TYPE = INITIAL (Initial velocity boundary conditions)
     = TRANSIT (Time history velocity boundary conditions
                specified in !AMPLITUDE;Default)
AMP  = Time function name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
       Provides the relationship betweentime t and factor f(t) in !AMPLITUDE.
       The time multiplied by factor f(t) to the following value
       becomes the restrained value of that time
       (when not specified: time and factor relationship becomes f(t) = 1.0).

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_idS, DOF_idE, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
DOF_idS I Start No. of restricted degree of freedom
DOF_idE I End No. of restricted degree of freedom
Value R Restricted value (Default: 0)
Example of Use
  1, 1, 1, 0.0
  ALL, 3, 3
  * Restricted value is 0.0
  1, 3, 3, 1.0
  2, 3, 3, 1.0
  3, 3, 3, 1.0

Note: The velocity boundary conditions are different than the displacement boundary conditions, and the multiple degrees of freedom can not be defined collectively. Therefore, the same number must be used for DOF_idS and DOF_idE. When the TYPE is INITIAL, AMP becomes invalid.


Definition of acceleration boundary conditions

TYPE = INITIAL (Initial acceleration boundary conditions)
     = TRANSIT ((Time history acceleration boundary conditions
                 specified in AMPLITUDE; Default)
AMP  = Time function name (specified in !AMPLITUDE)
       Provides the relationship between time t and factor f(t) in !AMPLITUDE.
       The time multiplied by factor f(t) to the following Value
       becomes the restrained value of that time (when not specified:
       time and factor relationship becomes f(t) = 1.0).

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_idS, DOF_idE, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID or node group name
DOF_idS I Start No. of restricted degree of freedom
DOF_idE I End No. of restricted degree of freedom
Value R Restricted value (Default: 0)
Example of Use
  1, 1, 3, 0.0
  ALL, 3, 3
  i* Restricted value is 0.0
  1, 3, 3, 1.0
  2, 3, 3, 1.0
  3, 3, 3, 1.0

Note: The acceleration boundary conditions are different than the displacement boundary conditions, and the multiple degrees of freedom can not be defined collectively. Therefore, the same number must be used for DOF_idS and DOF_idE.

When the TYPE is INITIAL, AMP becomes invalid.

(4) !COUPLE (5-4)

Definition of coupled surface (Used only in coupled analysis)

TYPE =  1: One-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from receiving data)
        2: One-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from sending data)
        3: Staggered two-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from receiving data)
        4: Staggered Two-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from sending data)
        5: Iterative partitioned two-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from receiving data)
        6: Iterative partitioned two-way coupled (FrontISTR starts from sending data)
ISTEP = Step No.
        From the beginning of analysis to the step specified here, a linearly increasing
        function from 0 to 1 is multiplied to the input fluid traction.
        After this step, the input fluid traction is directly applied.
WINDOW => 0: Multiply window function(*) to input fluid traction

(*) , : current step, : no. of steps of current analysis

2nd line or later

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
SURFACE_ID C Surface group name
Example of Use
(5) !EIGENREAD (5-5)

Controlling the input file for frequency response analysis



2nd line or later

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
eigenlog_filename C The name of eigenvalue analysis log
(3rd line) start_mode, end_mode
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
start_mode I lowest mode to be used in frequency response analysis
end_mode I highest mode to be used in frequency response analysis
Example of Use
  1, 5
(6) !FLOAD (5-6)

Defining external forces applied in frequency response analysis

LOAD CASE = (1: Real part, 2: Imaginary part)

2nd line or later

(2nd line) NODE_ID, DOF_id, Value
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NODE_ID I/C Node ID, node group name or surface group name
DOF_id I Degree of freedom No.
Value R Load value
Example of Use
  _PickedSet5, 2, 1.0

Solver Control Data

(1) !SOLVER (6-1)

Control of solver

Mandatory control data

            DIRECT: Direct method other than contact analysis (serial processing only) (currently unavailable)
            DIRECTmkl: Direct method by Intel MKL
            MUMPS    : Direct method by MUMPS
            When any of direct methods is selected, the data lines will be disregarded.
            Thread-parallel computation by OpenMP is available in iterative methods
            for 3D problems.

PRECOND =   Preconditioner for iterative methods (1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12)
            1, 2       : (Block) SSOR (with multi-color ordering only for 3D problems)
            3          : (Block) Diagonal Scaling
            5          : AMG by multigrid preconditioner package ML
            10         : Block ILU(0)
            11         : Block ILU(1)
            12         : Block ILU(2)
            10, 11 and 12 are available only in 3D problems.
            In thread-parallel computation, SSOR, Diagonal Scaling or ML is recommended.

ITERLOG =   Whether solver convergence history is output (YES/NO) (Default: NO)

TIMELOG =   Whether solver computation time is output (YES/NO/VERBOSE) (Default: NO)

USEJAD =    Whether matrix ordering optimized for vector processors are performed
            (YES/NO) (Default: NO)
            Valid only in 3D problems with iterative solvers.

SCALING =   Whether matrix is scaled so that each diagonal element becomes 1 (YES/NO)
            (Default: NO)
            Valid only in 3D problems with iterative solvers.

DUMPTYPE =  Type of matrix dumping (NONE, MM, CSR, BSR) (Mainly for debugging)
            NONE : no dumping (Default)
            MM   : matrix is dumped in Matrix Market format
            CSR  : matrix is dumped in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format
            BSR  : matrix is dumped in Blocked CSR format

DUMPEXIT =  Whether the program terminates right after matrix dumping (YES/NO)
            (Default: NO)

MPCMETHOD = Method for multipoint constraints
            1: Penalty method (Default for direct methods)
            2: MPC-CG method (Deprecated)
            3: Explicit master-slave elimination (Default for iterative methods)

ESTCOND =   Frequency of condition number estimation (experimental)
            Estimation is performed at every specified number of iterations and at the last
            iteration.  No estimation when 0 is specified.

METHOD2 =   Secondary method (BiCGSTAB, GMRES, GPBiCG) (experimental)
            Valid only when CG is specified as METHOD.
            When specified, the method is swithced and solution continues when CG diverged.
            All the other parameters and data lines are shared with the CG method.

CONTACT_ELIM = Whether DOF elimination is performed in contact analysis (0, 1)
               0: Perform DOF elimination only when using iterative methods (Default)
               1: Always perform DOF elimination (even when using direct methods)

2nd line or later

Parameter Name Attributions Contents
NITER I No. of iterations (Default: 100)
iterPREmax I No. of iteration of preconditioning based on Additive Schwarz
(Default: 1)
(recommended value : 1 (2 might be efficient in some parallel computation))
NREST I No. of Krylov subspaces (Default: 10)
(Valid only when GMRES is selected as the solution)
NCOLOR_IN I No. of Colors for Multi-Color ordering (Default: 10)
(Valid only when no. of OpenMP threads >= 2)
RECYCLEPRE I No. of recycling set-up info for preconditioning (Default: 3)
(Valid only in nonlinear analyses)
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
RESID R Truncation error (Default: 1.0e-8)
SIGMA_DIAG R Scale factor for diagonal elements when computing preconditioning matrix (Default: 1.0)
(When divide-by-zero or divergence occurs with ILU preconditioning, convergence might be obtained by setting number greater than 1.0)
SIGMA R Not used (Default: 0.0)
# In case of PRECOND=5 (Optional)

When any other value is specified for PRECOND, the 4th line will be disregarded.

(4th line) ML_CoarseSolver, ML_Smoother, ML_MGCycle, ML_MaxLevels, ML_CoarseningScheme, ML_NumSweep
Parameter Name Attributions Contents
ML_CoarseSolver I Coarse solver of ML (1: smoother, 2: KLU (serial direct solver), 3: MUMPS (parallel direct solver)) (Default: 1)
(recommended value : 3 or 2 for stiff problems, 1 for other problems)
ML_Smoother I Smoother of ML (1: Chebyshev, 2: SymBlockGaussSeidel, 3: Jacobi) (Default: 1)
(recommended value : 1)
ML_MGCycle I Multigrid cycle of ML (1: V-cycle, 2: W-cycle, 3: Full-V-cycle) (Default: 1)
(recommended value : 2 for stiff problems, 1 for other problems)
ML_MaxLevels I Max No. of levels of ML (Default: 10)
(recommended value : 2 (or 3 when memory is not sufficient) with direct coarse solver for very stiff problems, 10 for other problems)
ML_CoarseningScheme I Coarsening scheme of ML (1: UncoupledMIS, 2: METIS, 3: ParMETIS, 4: Zoltan, 5: DD) (Default: 1)
(recommended value : 1 or 5)
ML_NumSweep I No. of smoother sweeps of ML (polinomial degree for Chebyshev) (Default: 2)
(recommended value : 2 for Chebyshev, 1 for SymBlockGaussSeidel)
Example of Use

Use CG with SSOR preconditioning, and set No. of iteration to 10000 and truncation error to 1.0e-8

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Use GMRES with SSOR preconditioning, and set No. of Krylov subspace to 40 and No. of colors for Multi-Color ordering to 100

  10000, 1, 40, 100
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Use CG with ILU(0) preconditioning, and set scale factor for diagonal elements when computing preconditioning matrix to 1.1

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.1, 0.0

Use CG with AMG preconditioning by ML

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Use CG with AMG preconditioning by ML, and set coarse solver to MUMPS (for stiff problems)

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0

Use CG with AMG preconditioning by ML, and set multigrid cycle to W-cycle (for stiff problems)

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0
  1, 1, 2

Use CG with AMG preconditioning by ML, and set coarse solver to MUMPS and max No. of levels to 2 (for very stiff problems)

  10000, 1
  1.0e-8, 1.0, 0.0
  3, 1, 1, 2

Post Process (Visualization) Control Data

(1) !VISUAL (P1-0)

Specifies the visualization method.

METHOD = PSR             : Surface rendering
  visual_start_step      : Specification of time step number which starts the visualization process
                           (Default: 1)
  visual_end_step        : Specification of time step number which ends the visualization process
                           (Default: All)
  visual_interval_step   : Specification of time step interval which performs the visualization process
                           (Default: 1)
(2) !surface_num, !surface, !surface_style (P1-1 - 3)
!surface_num (P1-1)

No. of surfaces in one surface rendering

Ex.: There are four surfaces in Figure 7.4.1, which includes two isosurfaces pressure = 1000.0 and pressure = -1000.0, and two cut end plane surfaces z = -1.0 and z = 1.0.

Example of surface_num Setting

Figure 7.4.1: Example of surface_num Setting

!surface (P1-2)

Sets the contents of the surface.

Ex: Then contents of the four surface in Figure 7.4.2 are as follows.

Example of Surface Setting

Figure 7.4.2: Example of Surface Setting

!surface_num = 2
!surface_style = 2
!data_comp_name = press
!iso_value = 1000.0
!display_method = 4
!specified_color = 0.45
!output_type = BMP
!surface_style = 2
!data_comp_name = press
!iso_value = -1000.0
!display_method = 4
!specified_color = 0.67
!surface_style (P1-3)

Specifies the style of the surface.

  1. Boundary plane
  2. Isosurface
  3. Arbitary quadric surface
    coef[1]x2 + coef[2]y2 + coef[3]z2 + coef[4]xy + coef[5]xz
    + coef[6]yz + coef[7]x + coef[8]y + coef[9]z + coef[10]=0

Example of surface_style Setting

Figure 7.4.3: Example of surface_style Setting

(3) !display_method (P1-4)

Display method (Default: 1)

  1. Color code display
  2. Boundary line display
  3. Color code and boundary line display
  4. Display of 1 specified color
  5. Isopleth line display by classification of color

Example of display_method Setting

Figure 7.4.4:Example of display_method Setting

(2) !color_comp_name, !color_comp, !color_subcomp (P1-5, P1-7, P1-8)

Specifies the selections for the color map from the physical values. Provides the names to the necessary physical values and the degree of freedom numbers. Accordingly, the names will be entered for the structure node_label(:) and nn_dof(:) of the results data.

Then you can define which one you hope to map into color by

!color_comp_name (Character string, default: 1st parameter)


!color_comp_name = pressure
  In static analysis;        = DISPLASEMENT : Specification 
                                              of the results displacement data
                             = STRAIN       : Specification of strain data
                             = STRESS       : Specification of stress data
  In heat transfer analysis; = TEMPERATURE  : Specification
                                              of the results temperature data
!color_comp (Integer, default: 0)

Physical value ID number (Integers above 0)


!color_comp = 2

This is the specification of the ID number and component name of the results data type; however, this is not included.

!color_subcomp (Integer, default: 0)

When the physical value is 1 degree of freedom or more like the vector quantity, it’s the number of the degree of freedom.


!color_subcomp = 0

    When !color_comp_name=DISPLACEMENT is specified
        1: X Component,  2: Y Component, 3: Z Component

    When !color_comp_name=STRAIN is specified
        1: $\epsilon$x,  2: $\epsilon$y,  3: $\epsilon$z
        4: $\epsilon$xy, 5: $\epsilon$yz, 6: $\epsilon$zx

    When !color_comp_name=STRESS is specified
        1: $\sigma$x,  2: $\sigma$y,  u: $\sigma$z
        4: $\tau$xy, 5: $\tau$yz, 6: $\tau$zx

    When !color/comp\_name=TEMPERATURE is specified
        1: Temperature

In the structural analysis, for example;

Physical Value Displacement Strain Stress
No. of degrees of freedom 3 6 7

Example of color_comp, color_subcomp and color_comp_name Setting

Figure 7.4.5: Example of color_comp, color_subcomp and color_comp_name Setting

(5) !isoline_number, !isoline_color (P1-9, P2-22)

When display_method=2,3 or 5

Example of isoline_number and isoline_color Setting

Figure 7.4.6: Example of isoline_number and isoline_color Setting

(6) !initial_style, !deform_style (P1-15, P1-16)

Specifies the display style of the initial shape and the deformed shape.

  1. Not specified
  2. Solid line mesh (Displayed in blue if not specified)
  3. Gray filled pattern
  4. Shading (Let the physical attributions respond to the color)
  5. Dotted line mesh (Displayed in blue if not specified)
(7) !deform_scale (P1-14)

Specifies the displacement scale when displaying deformation.

Default: Auto

standard_scale = 0.1 * sqrt(x_range2 + y_range2 + z_range2) / max_deform

Example of Display Styles Setting

Figure 7.4.7: Example of display_styles Setting

Example of deform_scale Setting

Figure 7.4.8: Example of deform_scale Setting

(8) !output_type (P1-19)

Specifies the type of output file. (Default: AVS)

AVS                   : UCD data for AVS (only on object surface)
BMP                   : Image data (BMP format)
VTK                   : VTK data for ParaView
COMPLETE_AVS          : UCD data for AVS
COMPLETE_REORDER_AVS  : Rearranges the node and element ID in the UCD data for AVS
SEPARATE_COMPLETE_AVS : UCD data for AVS for each decomposed domain
COMPLETE_MICROAVS     : Outputs the physical values in the scalar in the UCD data for AVS
BIN_COMPLETE_AVS      : Outputs COMPLETE_AVS in binary format
FSTR_FEMAP_NEUTRAL    : Neutral file for FEMAP

Example of output_type

Figure 7.4.9: Example of output_type

(9) !x_resolution, !y_resolution (P2-1, P2-2)

Specifies the resolution when output_type=BMP

Example of x_resolution and y_resolution Setting

Figure 7.4.10: Example of x_resolution and y_resolution Setting

(10) !viewpoint, !look_at_point, !up_direction (P2-5, P2-6, P2-7)

Specifies the viewpoint position by coordinates.

Default: x = (xmin + xmax)/2.0, y = ymin + 1.5 (ymax – ymin), z = zmin + 1.5 (zmax – zmin)


Specifies the look at point position.

Default: Center of data


Specifies the view frame in viewpoint, look_at_point and up_direction.

default: 0.0 0.0 1.0

View coodinate frame
  • Origin: look_at_point
  • Z-axis: viewpoint - look_at_point
  • X-axis: up_direction × z axis

View Frame Determination Method

Figure 7.4.11: View Frame Determination Method

Example of !viewpoint, look_at_point and up_direction Setting

Figure 7.4.12: Example of !viewpoint, look_at_point and up_direction Setting

(11) !ambient_coef !diffuse_coef !specular_coef (P2-8 P2-9 P2-10)

Coefficient setting of lighting model

When the ambient_coef is increased, information on the 3D depth direction is impaired.

Example of Lighting Model Parameter Setting

(12) '!color_mapping_bar_on' '!scale_marking_on' '!num_of_scales' (P2-16 P2-17 P2-18)
!color_mapping_bar_on Specifies whether to display the color mapping bar.
0: off 1: on (Default: 0)
!scale_marking_on set the memory status of color_mapping_bar
0: off 1: on (default: 0)
!num_of_scales Specifies the number of memory.
(default: 3)

Example of Color Mapping Bar Display

(13) !font_size !font_color !backgroud_color (P2-19 P2-20 P2-21)

Specifies the background color and character font.

Example of Background and Font Setting

Figure 7.4.15: Example of Background and Font Setting

(14) !data_comp_name, !data_comp, !data_subcomp (P3-1, P3-3, P3-4)

Specifies the physical values of the isosurface to be visualized when surface_style=2.

Example of data_comp, data_subcomp and data_comp_name Setting

Figure 7.4.16: Example of data_comp, data_subcomp and data_comp_name Setting

(15) !method (P4-1)

When specifying the surfaces and cut end, specifies the setting method of the surface.

!surface_num =2
!coef=0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -0.35
!color_comp_name = temperature

Figure 7.4.17: Example of Setting Method

Accordingly, the cut end of the plane surface z = 0.35 and z = -0.35 will be visualized.